
Friday Afternoon Music: Reign of Kindo, 'Nice to Meet You'

Ericus583/26/2010 10:22:26 pm PDT

re: #1256 JasonA

I’m more of a classical kind of guy to be honest. Soemthing like this gets me teary:


My son was at a hockey camp when this movie came out. I had taken the week off from work to be there to assist.
The kids would get together in a room to have lunch and review tape of the morning session for critique by the coaches. And at some point, there would be a round the horn talk by each on that day’s subject.
One day the topic was “what is your favorite movie?”
One kid said the comedy flavor of the summer… and so on.
When it came my son’s turn, he thought for a moment and then said “Saving Private Ryan”.
That struck me on several levels.
Heading home that afternoon, I asked him why that movie?
“Because dad, they took care of each other. It’s what you have to do.”

I had to look away after saying “that’s cool”… dad’s don’t tear up.