
Huckabee on Hannity: The Stimulus Bill Persecutes Christians

pollster2/13/2009 11:48:42 pm PST

re: #1249 ggt

re: #1249 ggt

Pollster, you stilll there? I’d really like to know how you define “us”.

Nah. I have no desire to argue the definition of “classical liberal” versus “conservative,” and parry words and labels all night. What I wrote earlier stands: “Us,” in my post, refers to LGF readers/writers who in times past appeared to me to share an interest in Israel’s well being, stopping those whose religion threatens our lives and our freedom, and halting the spread of rabid (modern)liberalism/socialism in the USA. I may not agree with every position held by Huckabee, Palin or Jindal, or McCain or VDH (okay, I do agree with everything VDH says, far as I know) but I certainly see them as on MY side, if not yours. If the tossing of slings and arrows demonstrated on this thread is typical, then there will be few or none in the GOP who can emerge unscathed. There will always be something they have once said or done to get labeled a theocrat, or an IDer, or a fundamentalist, or have somehow fallen short in passing the LGF bar. For myself, I accept Darwin’s science, but it’s not the be-all and end-all of my political judgments. I suppose if one hasn’t been absent for awhile, as I have been, the change in focus on LGF would be less surprising, less distressing.