
Pamela Geller Cites Holocaust Denial Group as Source for Attack on ADL

GlutenFreeJesus4/16/2013 7:23:22 am PDT

And so it begins. Creepers claim to have found the Facebook page of the “Saudi person of interest”.

“Take screenshots of all his friends. They are all suspects”

“Another friend of Obama shows up”

“If Obama had a son, I don’t know if his son would look like the Boston bomber, but I’m quite confident I know whether the son would hate America and act like the bomber.”

“If it is him, look into everyone on his friends list.”

“Check all aircraft he’s worked on.”

“Freepers, grab your screenshots before Holder/Omoslem scrub the Facebook page and blame “white conservatives on the internet.”

“MEMO TO OBAMA: Order him returned to his home country.”


I refuse to believe this 20-yr-old Saudi acted alone, and planted 2 (or more) bombs in that area crawling with cops, then detonated them, then escaped with only “burns.”

All by himself….?

It’s obviously a coordinated effort.”

“Ha! The mozzies don’t realize the jig is up, and nobody believes a word they say.

1,400 years of koran-ordered lying (taqqiya) tends to undermine their credibility.

I don’t trust them any more than I trust their leader (Obamatollah).”


Actual quotes. Apparently the OP got his name from a Townhall page. Surprise!

They really have their mind made up. Any news that doesn’t gel with their prejudice = coverup. Really sad.