
Edward Snowden Never Had Access to the NSA's "Crown Jewels"

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce7/23/2013 8:27:38 am PDT

re: #126 Vicious Babushka

My favorite aspect of the typical corporate pay structure is that a CEO even gets a bonus when s/he gets fired for skillfully piloting the company straight into the ground.

I imagine the board of directors saying, “through your actions, inactions, incompetence, and failed adventures, you have cost thousands of employees their livelihoods; dragged this company’s reputation through the mud; and made our name a laughing stock in the very industry we helped create. You couldn’t be trusted to run a bath, much less a mulitbillion-dollar corporation. You’re out. Now, take this $20 million severance check and go think about the harm you’ve caused.”