
Edward Snowden Blinks - Wants to Return to the US and Face Trial

DarknSilentNight3/03/2015 6:54:24 pm PST

Evening, all. Kinda new here. Just want to drop a few points on Eddie-baby.
1) I want him to ABSOTIVELY, POSILUTELY get a completely FAIR AND IMPARTIAL trial. Why? Because I don’t want that little turd to get anything removed on appeal. I want no one to have ANY ammunition to say, “It was unfair!” I realize that will still happen, but I want it minimized to the greatest extent possible.
2) I’m concerned that if he does come back, there might be gun battles in the DOJ over who gets to prosecute him. The same thing happened with John Gotti. (Yes, I realize that is ancient history, but it’s all I have right now.) I’m concerned that the politics might get mixed into this and we won’t have the most effective prosecution possible.
3) Do not worry about Eddie getting any money out of this. I believe there is ample precedent that you cannot profit from criminal misdeeds. Something tells me that if that were to happen, the FBI and a few other agencies would show up with some financial eggheads to put the kibosh on it.