
Rand Paul Pushing to Defund Planned Parenthood and Subvert Mitch McConnell

FormerDirtDart ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ€ No Capt'n ๐Ÿ˜ท Trips7/27/2015 12:34:48 pm PDT

This is seriously major league level trolling

GENEVA (Reuters) - People like FIFA President Sepp Blatter deserve the Nobel prize, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview broadcast on Switzerlandโ€™s RTS television news on Monday.

โ€œI think people like Mr Blatter or the heads of big international sporting federations, or the Olympic Games, deserve a special recognition. If there is anyone who deserves the Nobel prize, itโ€™s those people,โ€ he said.