
Announcing: The Random Donald Trump Tweet Machine

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam6/08/2016 10:38:37 pm PDT

re: #129 HappyWarrior

Yep. He just convinces himself that something is true because he believe in. Nasty little worm. I really hate the term “anchor baby”. I really do. Children of immigrants like Judge Curiel end up being very loyal Americans. I’ve talked about my great aunts and uncles before on my mother’s side. All of them did their part in WWII. And it continues today. There were immigrant first respondents at Ground Zero. The first American serviceman to die in Iraq was in fact a man who was an illegal immigrant. My sister in law’s sister recently got her MA from a very prestigious university.

In a very real sense, any first generation American was an “anchor baby,” if their parents were immigrants. The convoluted process of getting a green card and your citizenship did not exist prior to 1965. You came in, then some time later in court stated your intention to become a citizen (first papers). After 3-5 years residency, you applied for citizenship (second papers) and finally got your naturalization certificate. Compared to today’s over complicated system, it was a breeze (if you were not Asian or a black African).