
Young the Giant: Darkest Shade of Blue (In the Open)

Dangerman9/09/2019 8:36:26 am PDT

re: #127 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

If there had only been some way for Trump to fistance himself from his ongoing business operations…but that might have been unfeasable…

as i said yesterday, he could have acted like a leader

dont golf at your own courses, except occasionally if at all
dont stay at your own resorts, even mar-a-grifto
dont recommend in any way that anyone stay at a trump property
ensure foreign dignitaries know there are other options / places they can stay in DC

even if some of this costs the taxpayers more

at least make the attempt

not only didnt he /they do that, they doubled down and are brazenly milking it

what? the nat’l guard came up with scotland on their own?
pence and ireland?
if trump doesnt have his fingers on all aspects of his ‘operation’ he really is incompetent