
Seth Meyers: Putin Rattles World With Nuclear Threat as Trump Calls Him Smart Again

Yeah Sure WhatEVs3/01/2022 3:42:18 am PST

re: #121 darthstar

Oh brother.

According to Kadyrov, the Chechen Republic will introduce mirror sanctions if British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and The head of European Diplomacy Josep Borrell do not abandon their statements against Russia.

“And yet, despite all this comedy, it is time for harsh revenge, and the measures should be mirrored … Close the Chechen sky for the flights of their jets; - Freeze all of Johnson’s ruble-denominated assets in Chechen banks; - Impose an embargo on all assets of British oligarchs in Achkhoy-Martan, and in case of deterioration - in Samashki; - To recognize the left-hand drive movement as a nefarious relic of the Middle Ages; “And finally, to admit that there is no English tea!”, - the politician emphasized.

The head of Chechnya gave these persons “a deadline of February 31.” Kadyrov said that this would be an example for other countries to “henceforth think before imposing any sanctions.”

Considering where they are in the world, the only impact might be someone from one of the Stans trying to fly to Moldova.

And I am sure that Boris has a ton of assets in Chechen banks.

Is this the Russian version of The Onion?