
Video: Retired General Responds to Trump and Republicans' Call for Gen. Mark Milley to Be 'Hung'

Joe Bacon ✅9/25/2023 2:28:33 pm PDT

For the last several years, The New York Times, supposed bastion of the “liberal media,” has been posting endless diatribes about the supposed “excesses of the left,” usually from white men like Ross Douthat and David Brooks, with a few Bari Weisses thrown in for good measure. In other words, people who largely benefited from the previous status quo. They’ve also published an untold number (perhaps thousands at this point, who even knows!) of op-eds desperately trying to make the case that it is possible to be a super good person who really cares about other human beings but also doesn’t so much think that trans people should have human rights.

They have yet to get the reception they have been hoping for. They’ve been widely criticized by the Left, and the Right has failed to embrace them, largely on the grounds that they are The New York Times.

Clearly desperate, they have ceased beating around the bush and published an op-ed this past Friday from Yascha Mounk, literally titled “How to Argue Against Identity Politics Without Turning Into a Reactionary.”

Mounk starts out with The Legend of Bret Weinstein — the evolutionary biologist who quit his job at Evergreen College in Washington because people criticized him for refusing to participate in a school-wide anti-racism awareness activity and went from someone who considered themselves a liberal into a founding member of the so-called “Intellectual Dark Web” (a term invented by his own brother) and a conspiracy theorist and crank who “has insinuated that the Sept. 11 attacks were an inside job and called for health officials who recommended that children be vaccinated against Covid to face prosecution modeled on the Nuremberg Trials.”

And Mounk? He wants to help people be Weinstein in the first half of the story without turning into the reactionary he turned into in the second.