
Pope Admits Mistakes with Holocaust Denying 'Bishop'

Creeping Eruption3/12/2009 12:06:27 pm PDT

re: #116 CyanSnowHawk

Not really. One denies it happened, the other refuses to punish the perpetrator. The troll from yesterday did the later.

I understand the practical difference. However, any cocksucker who minimizes the impact that the Holocaust has had, and claims that its victims essentially need to “get over it,” is truly a denier in my book. It minimizes the memory of the dead, the living, concepts of justice … Brushing it into the dustbin of history lends credence to those who perpetrated it, and those who allowed it to happen. Even in the United States, there is no statute of limitations for murder of one single individual. This pile of shit advocates such a thing for someone involved in the murder of 29,0000. Refusing to punish the perpetrator denies the gravity of the crime, and in my book, denies that it was a really a crime in the first instance. Ho hum, just a little thing that went on in the last century.