
Overnight Open Thread

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/14/2009 2:01:41 am PDT

re: #120 zombie

I checked back incase you hadn’t fallen asleep.

OK… Take your first insight about how hard it is to push on the Earth because it has much greater inertia (from its much greater mass). Now…

Imagine you have a block with a spring on it’s bottom like this…


And you compress it like this…


And no imagine that the spring is NOT attached to the Earth.

What happens…

The block is your torso and the spring is your legs.

How do you jump up?

Also the answer about things staying distinct (under every day how am I not part of the floor sense) is that atoms have electron clouds around them and electrons repel each other through the electromagnetic force.

The electron clouds in your feet push away from the electron clouds in the floor.