
Friday Night Blues: Joe Bonamassa, 'Stop'

What, me worry?10/02/2009 8:43:35 pm PDT

re: #125

OK, I’m an idiot, need help.

How do I buy music at the Amazon store, and get it onto my iPod?

I’ve been buying the CD and putting it onto iPod that way.
Can I do it by just buying the mp3 version of the music?

I use this cute little program called SharePod, although Itunes doesn’t recognize the songs when you go to sync there.

Basically you d/l music to your computer and then through this program you can upload to the Ipod. Very user friendly too. But when you go to sync to ITunes, they don’t copy to their server. OTOH, you can copy all your music from the Ipod to your computer with SharePod so you have your own backup.

Does that make sense?