
BNP Leader Griffin: Climate Change is a 'Hoax', World Leaders Are 'Mass Murderers'

stayfrosty12/17/2009 6:04:23 pm PST

In my humble opinion, we should let the science speak for itself. When politicians inject themselves into science so readily, it becomes nothing but politics.

Do I personally believe that man in contributing to climate change? Yes. But I realize there are skeptics from every walk of life, and not all of them are skeptical for political ends. So, saying because A believes C and B believes C means A and C are allies is pretty fallacious in my humble opinion.

In fact, I remember a post here a few years back comparing Al Gore to Osama bin Laden because they both believed in AGW. That’s the only part of this discourse I don’t like.

Hopefully that didn’t come across as personal, because it definitely wasn’t.