
Weblog Awards Canceled Due to Something or Other

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)1/05/2010 1:28:45 pm PST

re: #122 DaddyG

I really can’t understand your argument at all. The problem is that a vocal minority wants to teach kids something anti-science and ridiculous to kids in school. In some states, they have enough numbers to influence the state curriculum. At the local level in many places, they’d have total dominance, it wouldn’t just be influence. And there are plenty, plenty of communities that would prefer to teach creationism— and any number of other false things.

Why would you prefer giving more control to the local areas, since it would lead to more creationism being taught? Why would you look at creationists trying to get their agenda across in the state and conclude the structure was the problem? Changing the structure wouldn’t make the creationists go away.