
Tea Party 'Hero' Arrested For Rape, Stolen Grenade Launcher Discovered

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/20/2010 6:57:25 pm PST

On the RonPaulForums site, a thread started by senior member “Merk” on 18th, whose message is:

There are serious questions about the legitimacy of this arrest. Oathkeepers need to rally, in uniform, to this man. This is a classic move by the PTB… pull the molester card for a warrant and then go fishing… I’ve been watching this guys tubez on the interwebz for awhile and this looks like a “shut-him-up-anyway-you-can” type deal to me.

[copied news story from the Duncan Banner]

Ah yes, the true believers over on the forum that bears Ron Paul’s name…