
Who's Crazier: Palin or Bachmann?

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce4/06/2010 7:08:17 pm PDT

re: #65 Walter L. Newton


I worked big-box retail in my late teens through mid 20s, and the most valuable lesson I learned from it was DON’T BE AN ASS TO THE REDSHIRTS.

I was never a “people person” to begin with, but dealing with retail customers for an extended period of time can really sour you on people in general.

If any of you are ever annoyed at the treatment you’re getting from a retail employee, just keep in mind that it’s not terribly unlikely that the last seemingly friendly and engaging person they talked to went to the manager and falsely claimed you offered them a discount on something.

Also keep in mind that when that employee does their duty and upholds company policy with regard to returns & exchanges, if you respond by threatening to call the BBB / AG / FOX4 / etc., when you aren’t allowed to return the laptop you bought 3 months ago and which is now covered in orange Cheeto dust: It isn’t going to make anyone want to help you.

Anyway, I think if I ever ended up in a situation where keeping a job was unimportant, I would go and get a job at a big-box retailer just so I could dissuade people from this crazy idea that the customer is always right.

My current job gets tedious and mind-numbing at times, and I REALLY hate that. However, it’s still better than having to interact with the general public.