
Profile of a Pro-America Muslim Leader

captdiggs8/22/2010 12:39:22 pm PDT

re: #55 CuriousLurker

Google results for muslims denounce condemn terrorism

Ok, so I went to the google page. I clicked on the first link, and then randomly clicked on one of the articles “denouncing terrorism”
This one was “Qaradawi Rejects Al-Qaeda’s Killing of Innocents”

All was fine and good until I looked for more on Qaradawi, and found more.

“Yusuf al-Qaradawi. He is on record as telling Newsnight that suicide bombing which targeted Israeli women and children was justified, arguing: “I consider this type of martyrdom operation as an evidence of God’s justice. Allah Almighty is just; through His infinite wisdom He has given the weak a weapon that the strong do not have, and that is their ability to turn their bodies into bombs as Palestinians do.”

I guess “terrorism” has different meanings according to who is doing the condemning.