
Chris Matthews: Glenn Beck, the John Birch Society, and Fox News

rwmofo2/07/2011 7:20:51 pm PST

re: #102 HappyWarrior

I can tell you this much, I think G.W Bush is really upset that the GOP has alienated Latinos so much. I didn’t think so at the time I admit but his efforts to court Latinos in to the GOP were genuine and he didn’t play the racial card. I’ve seen Republican officeholders since Bush left outright mock the Spanish language and Latino people. The Republicans need to become more moderate minded on issues like immigration, gay rights, and others if they want to survive IMO. You’re my age, James, you know that most of our peers even those who lean conservative on economics have no or little problems with gays, smoking pot, or any of the hot cultural issues. And the GOP remains focused on social conservatism. Heck, DeMint who has been a kingmaker for a lot of GOP candidates flat out said that you can’t be a fiscal cosnervative without being a social conservative. What he said was nonsense since there are many social liberals out there who are fiscal cons.

I agree with all that except I’d tweak your characterization “issues like immigration” to “issues like illegal immigration.” I won’t sign up to the notion that no one has to follow the rules to get in. Most people who want to come here have good intentions, but letting anyone and everyone in without signing the guest-book is just asking for trouble. Is this an easy problem to sort out? No. But if you think we shouldn’t have rules, then go prop your front door open, then head to Hawaii for that long vacation you’ve been planning. Your house will be OK when you get back. Trust us.