
Bachmann Dives Into the Gutter

moderatelyradicalliberal2/22/2011 11:15:18 am PST

re: #91 Ming

Any Tea Party person who honestly values SMALL GOVERNMENT should ask themselves how much the “social issues” will COST, in terms of government spending and size. Can you imagine how many bureaucrats would be required to police every pregnancy, investigate every miscarriage, promote heterosexuality, and so on and so on? I’m afraid that many Democrats do want big government, but SO DO MANY REPUBLICANS. It seems that compared to a massive Christian theocracy, the best hope (for now) to avoid “big government” is to support the Democrats and Obama. If that sounds incredible, just ask yourself, HOW MUCH WOULD MICHELLE BACHMANN’S SOCIAL POLICIES ACTUALLY COST?

I used to think that the socons and the fiscalcons were in opposition to each other, but I’m beginning o see how they aren’t. The social issues actually are a big part of how they will achieve their goals for the corporations they work for. These people work on behalf of corporations and wealthy people that want serfs, not workers. Serfs have no control of their lives, including reproduction. If you can’t control how many children you have, you can’t control much of anything, especially your financial situation. Also, these children won’t cost anything if you completely dismantle the social safety net that currently supports them, which is something else they want to do. The more I think about it, the more these seemingly divergent positions of socons make since. People who can’t control their personal lives, can’t control their financial lives either. Both are crucial in taking us back to the pre-New Deal Era, which is the ultimate goal of the modern conservative movement.

Sorry if I’m rambling, but that’s what happens when I get on a new train of thought.