
Suspect Arrested in Attempted MLK Parade Bombing is a Neo-Nazi

Romantic Heretic3/09/2011 2:19:13 pm PST

re: #97 lostlakehiker

The bombing of Dresden didn’t come out of nowhere. Germany had sown the wind, and they reaped the whirlwind. Nonetheless, the attack on Dresden was a moral error.

I’m not sure the strategic bombing campaigns did anything other than slow down the rate at which the Nazi weapons manufacturing expanded. The planes, bombs and bomb sights were just too primitive. This lead to huge civilian casualties to no good purpose.

I think hitting transportation worked a lot better although more dangerous to the aircrews involved. Sort of the difference between clubbing your opponent to death or poisoning them.

But that’s due to our misinterpretation of Clausewitz.

All the above is my opinion, of course.