
Deserting a Sinking Ship: Gingrich's Entire Iowa Campaign Staff Resigns

Orange Impostor6/09/2011 1:53:25 pm PDT

re: #103 Lidane

Right. Because people are totally going to elect another Texas governor to the White House, especially after the last one.

All Democrats have to do if Perry decides to run is point to the January 2011 emergency legislative session he called, after the state ran close to a $20 billion shortfall due to his financial mismanagement.

The session he used to push anti-abortion, voter disenfrancisement, gutting environmental laws, praying for divine intervention on wildfires that went out of control due to his gutting of the budget of those who would have fought those fires, removing penalties for violating election laws, ad nauseum.
What wasn’t used for the session was any legislation designed to balance the budget.