
Gingrich's Race Baiting Strategy Pays Off in S. Carolina

GlutenFreeJesus1/21/2012 11:44:29 am PST

LOL @ James Carville:

Carville to GOP: You have a disaster on your hands

Your new front-runner is one of your old front runners, Newt Gingrich. I would like to take a moment to revel: I cannot personally tell you how pleased I am to see old Newt rise to the top after listening to all of your nauseating, sickening lectures on the evils of government and the importance of family values.

Now, you guys have to deal with a $1.6 million Freddie Mac consultant (who says he wasn’t a lobbyist) who has been married three times. Hope you, at least, enjoy the Super Bowl. It could be your last hurrah for a while.

PS — As my former boss once said, I feel your pain. That’s why I didn’t mention Rick Perry.