
Sarah Palin's Word Salad of the Day: Obama 'Orchestrated' His Trayvon Remarks

HRH Stanley Sea3/29/2012 4:57:59 pm PDT

re: #125 Targetpractice

Apparently, the release of the video still isn’t being acknowledged by the wingnuts. They want to act as though it’s still Tuesday, when they were hip-deep in calling Trayvon a thug and suggesting he was casing houses in the neighborhood, instead of addressing why a perfectly healthy looking Zimmerman claimed in the police report that he’d been “decked” and then his head repeatedly slammed into the concrete.

Info I read that is sticking with me. I read somewhere that the reason that GZ was concerned was that Trayvon was walking along the paved path between the buildings. Well that’s what gated communities HAVE. Nice, aesthetically pleasing, paved, curved walking paths between buildings. That you are supposed to fucking use.