
Jon Stewart: The Battle for the War on Women

Renaissance_Man4/17/2012 2:58:00 pm PDT

I’m not really defending Romney, but what else is he going to say? He can’t denounce Nugent’s statements. He can’t even backhandedly, half-denounce them. If he does, nobody will vote for him. I mean, John McCain disagreed with a voter hating on Obama, and look how that worked out for him.

Sure, we can say that Romney, if he had any spine or courage or self-respect, wouldn’t be in the running to represent the Republican Party. That’s probably true. But he’s supposed to represent the views and ideals of the Republican Party here. And what the Republican voters want isn’t fiscal conservatism. It isn’t small government. It isn’t even lower taxes. The only thing the Republican base wants is pure, unbridled hate towards Democrats, foreigners, liberals and especially Obama. Nothing else matters.

Is that wrong? Sure. Would a man with any sense of honour want to represent that ideal? No. But someone’s gotta be the Republican nominee.