
Smithsonian Magazine: The Shocking Savagery of America's Early History

William Lewis2/22/2013 11:00:16 pm PST

re: #130 Feline Fearless Leader

No guarantee with that. Group that I have hunted with have “lost” shot deer, including one whose corpse we actually found a few days later. A rifle is more likely to be fatal than a arrow, but you still have to hit it in a spot that will prove fatal fairly soon - and then often have to be able to track the animal a distance unless you’ve hit it in a spot that incapacitates it rapidly. And they will often run 80-100 yards away even then.

Oh, I know. Had to help a good friend chase a gut shot buck for almost 8 hours before I finally finished it in a creek bed. He shot it almost at (just after, that is :O ) sunrise. It was just shy of 2:30 when we finally downed it for good.

It can be hard work tracking a wounded animal. But there is only little excuse to not do so.