
Overnight Open Thread

JCM3/24/2009 9:17:25 am PDT

ACORN is having orgasms!

Oregon One Step Closer to On-line Voter Registration

On Friday, March 20, the Oregon House of Representatives passed a bill authorizing on-line voter registration. The Secretary of State hopes to have a system in place soon, if it passes the Senate.

“I was very pleased by the vote in the House and we’re delighted they were able to pass it. We’re looking forward to having a good hearing and hopefully getting the votes we need in the Senate to pass House Bill 2386.” House Bill 2386 authorizes on-line registration for voters in Oregon. Secretary of State Kate Brown dismisses speculation that on-line voting will quickly follow, ” I think, in terms of technology, we’re several years away from on-line voting. But, it’s a wonderful way, particularly for young Oregonians, to get registered to vote.” If passed by the Senate Brown thinks they could have a mechanism up and running by the end of this year using the Department of Motor Vehicles system. Only people with an Oregon drivers license will be eligible to register on-line and the state would use the signature on file for validation.

I predict Oregon will vote for Obama in ‘12 with 186% of the vote.