
Watch Live: The Utterly Delusional Fanatics of the Values Voter Summit, Featuring Sarah Palin

ObserverArt9/26/2014 12:46:59 pm PDT

re: #118 CuriousLurker

Welcome to my world.

As a Muslim, I’m uncomfortable with people pointing out that much (though certainly not all) current day terrorism is carried out by groups that define themselves as Islamic.

I wouldn’t be caught dead around such crappy and hateful groups, and I most certainly don’t identify with Muslim terrorists or other Muslim extremists, but I do identify with Muslims as a whole. My discomfort doesn’t mean I get to deny that there’s a problem with certain subsets of Muslims and tell people here not to make it about those groups.

If I tried to do that I’d most likely get lizard-stomped.

Just sayin’.

I’m not trying to tell anybody anything and I am not denying anything. Just pointing out that a general sweeping statement includes many individuals.

Individuals. That is key. You are 1. I am 1.

And I hate group thinking. I am way too individual, and that is why I commented as I did. With that, I am going to do something else…I’m not in a good place with a lot of the world this week.