
Breitbart "News" Race-Baiting Fails Again: Man Vandalized His Own Truck With Anti-Cop Messages

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge9/18/2015 7:40:04 pm PDT

re: #127 Amory Blaine

This right wing shill has a warm and cozy spot at the largest newspaper in Wisconsin.

A talented, battle-tested GOP field
Ask yourself: Which side would you rather be on now?

Ben Carson still has a long way to go to be a plausible politician, but hey — the guy is a world-class intellect. Is there anyone on the Democratic side you would let crack your skull open?

Yeah…I just simply don’t believe any of this crap about him being a successful brain surgeon. Him or Egnor, either. I didn’t see it happen, so I don’t believe it.