
Overnight Jam: Drew Ofthe Drew, "Do We"

lawhawk2/04/2016 7:12:15 am PST

re: #102 Timothy Watson

I’ve pretty much stopped watching football. If I’m visiting friends and it’s on, then I’ll take a gander, but otherwise I’m done with football at all levels.

CTE and the NFL coverup of how the league knew about permanent and lasting injuries linked to concussions did it for me.

I take no joy from watching football, when any play can mean permanent harm to the player’s life after football. Seen too many players diagnosed with CTE - after dying way too young and crippled.

Guys who were amazing athletes had their brains scrambled due to incessant hits to the head. Junior Seau to name but one. Some committed suicide. Others engaged in violence because their brain chemistry was all screwed up. Still others can’t remember anything due to early onset Alzheimers or other brain disorders.

No, I’m done with football.

The Super Bowl? I’ll watch to complain about the commercials or the half-time show. Or else we’ll watch movies or something.