
And Now, Sassy Trump Sings 'The Star-Something Hmm-Hmm'

Renaissance_Man1/10/2018 5:27:32 pm PST

re: #126 A Cranky One

I started posting before the election but haven’t commented much since. The truth is that seeing what is happening to our country is causing extreme anxiety and mental anguish. I find myself actively hating for the first time; finding myself in the same mode as RWNJs creates a lot of stress.

Sometimes I just want to shut it off and ignore what’s going on, stay narrowly focused on my own life and push away knowledge of all the terrible things being done to other humans.

Since the blog focuses a lot of politics, I can see other folks disengaging for those reasons. There are times where I want to avoid any thought of all the ways the orange buffoon is damaging our country, so even lurking is painful. But disengaging wouldn’t be the responsible adult thing to do, as desirable as it seems.

I’ve found that reading the comments and feeling the sense of community among the folks here reminds me of all the good people out there and of my obligations to resist.

So thanks lizards, for contributing to what sanity I retain. Even if occasionally I read interactions and want to post the video of the lizard farting in a bathtub in response. ;-)

This is basically exactly how I felt for a couple of months after the election. I could not, would not, even open a news site or look at a TV, even a sane place like this. I still feel that way in many ways, but there is more numbness now.