
Seth Meyers: Elizabeth Warren Surges as Democrats Focus on Trump's Corruption [VIDEO]

Belafon9/19/2019 7:18:39 am PDT

re: #119 lawhawk

Trump is taking a dump on the environment literally and figuratively.

Trump is showing his authoritarian streak by going after his enemies and claiming that homelessness is some kind of environmental violation (it isn’t). All the while, enforcement actions by the EPA have all but stopped under Trump and he’s rolling back environmental protections for air and water quality, and he’s gutting fuel economy standards too.

Everything he’s doing is to maximize pollutants and spoiling the environment all because Obama made it tougher for people to pollute. The only ones to benefit from this are the polluters and the millionaires that own these polluters.

Coal miners don’t benefit from mines that pollute the water and air around them. They get stuck with all the long term effects, even as the mines close up because renewables are cheaper and cleaner.

There are roughly 50,000 coal miners nationwide. Overally, about 1 million work in fossil fuel industry.

There are 3.3 million people working in renewables.

So, Trump is pandering to coal miners while screwing the millions who work in the renewable energy industry.

If they can’t stop renewables from ending coal, then it’ll be natural gas, and then oil. And then we’ll have people with no skills - oil company executives - without jobs.