
John Oliver Turns His Pitiless Gaze on the US Jury System [VIDEO]

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)8/17/2020 1:23:07 pm PDT

re: #132 Hecuba’s daughter

Trump isn’t crazed; he isn’t senile. He is a disciple of Putin and is using Putin’s advice, with the full assistance of the Washington GOP and Barr, to turn us into a white supremacist Christian oligarchy. The GOP consists of complicit traitors who are all on board with this mission. Yes — Trump actually doesn’t care about religion but then neither does Putin, who has made Russian Orthodoxy the official state religion. Trump could have been stopped at any time by Republicans who believe in this country and this Constitution, but they don’t. Ron Johnson is a particular disgrace,

Any Barr attempt to replay Comey’s intervention will fail because this time there will be a vicious pushback that will shred him and hopefully get him disbarred. Barr cannot pretend to be a serious neutral investigator trying to get at the truth. Comey was arrogant beyond words but he wasn’t out to undermine our Constitution; he was trying to protect the FBI, without understanding the damage he was actually doing.

I didn’t say Trump was senile. I said he was crazed. And I have no qualms saying that given Trump’s choices of shit to whine about and I could totally buy Trump having early onset Alzheimer’s. It runs in his family and he’s shown a divorce from reality.