
From Rural Georgia to the White House

Dreader196210/08/2009 11:15:27 am PDT

re: #98 Charles

I just added some excerpts from that ugly thread at Fox Nation.

It’s just unbelievable. The right wing has completely lost all inhibitions about expressing their inner racism.

Even though these are made anonymously (which makes ‘brave’ the simpering coward), the idea that there are humans that can readily type this bilge is depressing.

Again, I’ll reference an incident from my experience that shows how cowardly these people are:

When I was in Airborne school, I had two roommates; one black and one white. Most of our evenings were spent with all three of us getting ready for the next grueling day of training. One evening I was alone with the white guy and he proceeded to tell me how proud he was of his grand-daddy, who was a Red Dragon-Wizard-Poobah (whatever the hell it was) of the KKK. I said to him if he was so proud he should brag about it to our other (black) roommate. He clammed up right away. I guess he thought he was among allies if they were white.