
What Right Wing Racism?

jamesfirecat3/06/2010 9:10:10 pm PST

re: #118 BryanS

Ahhh…just google then “Pat Oliphant november 16 2004”. Multiple sources will confirm that was a comic posted in the Washington Post on that day.

It is an obnoxious cartoon about Condi Rice. I don’t see how the memory of blatant racism towards her by the left could be denied or forgotten so soon.

Not to excuse it in the case of this thread pointing out obnoxious racism on the right. I don’t see how anyone sending that email can send that without intending the racist sentiments.

I may just be an ostrich with my head in the sand, but I don’t see any obvious racism in comparing a black person to a parrot the way I do in comparing one to a monkey…..