
Overnight Video: Two Fifty Three Kelvin

Birth Control Works1/15/2011 10:50:52 pm PST

re: #130 Gus 802

Artists always have their opinions though. John Wayne was very opinionated but I still like to watch the knucklehead. Spike Lee makes some pretty good movies. I can’t stand Sean Penn’s politics (in general and with regards to Chavez) but he’s a pretty good actor. There was a point when people were rejecting John Wayne, Bob Hope, and Jimmy Stewart because of their politics but I never bought into that. I feel the same way about that whether they’re left or right.

Anymore, tho, I feel like they are just parrots. They have to stay PC or they don’t get the attention they seem to crave (and probably some of the income too).

The new Soma tablet is CELEBRITY GOSSIP. Too many idiots seem think what ever actor is popular must be the person to follow. AT the last election, I heard some 20-somethings talking about how uncool it was to vote Republican. Now, I just don’t think that being “cool” is a reason to vote one way or the other.

It’s enough to put me into hibernation.