
Jim 'Dim' Hoft Says Obama Booed at AIPAC, Posts Video With No Boos

W of O. The Time Zone Warrior.5/22/2011 1:01:17 pm PDT

This hurts!!….

….cause I can’t stop laughing!! Hahahaha!!!!

The Columbia Tea Party went from Donald Trump to jilted chump after the celebrity businessman canceled his appearance at Thursday’s State House rally, and state legislators approved tax breaks and spending that the group opposed.

Trump’s decision to not enter the GOP presidential race left local Tea Party leaders stewing about the way they had been treated. But about 30 people were on hand Thursday to thank Gov. Nikki Haley, lawmakers and activists for their work to require more on-the-record Legislative votes.

30 people!!!! OMGWTFBBQ!!! Whaahaha!!!!!