
Wingnuts Circulate 2007 Anti-War Photo to Smear Occupy Wall Street

Killgore Trout10/15/2011 6:36:04 pm PDT

Lefties not being terribly honest about the protests either. Here’s the latest outrageous outrage….
Breaking: 30 Citibank customers arrested for closing their account
Well, not really.
Protest pandemonium as mob descends on Times Square

Earlier, 24 protesters were arrested when a mob stormed a LaGuardia Place Citibank and shouted slogans as two demonstrators closed their bank accounts in protest just after 2 p.m.

“[The protesters] all went in a big flash mob to close their accounts,” said Adrielle Slaugh,a 24-year-old office manager who saw the clash. “There were about 30 of them. They were screaming and chanting while they were going in. Security told them to leave, but they didn’t. They stood in a group chanting things to the tellers. There were locked in, and then they were taken away.”

She said when they were locked inside, they were “pressing on the door — you could see them banging on the glass.”

It seems they caused such a ruckus that the tellers hit the automatic lockdown button. Police are not arresting people for closing their bank accounts.