
Video: Romney Supporters Respond to Climate Change by Yelling "USA! USA! USA!"

Targetpractice11/02/2012 9:14:12 pm PDT

re: #121 Lidane

To the wingnut morans that would chant “USA! USA! USA!” when someone even mentions climate change, the entire issue of climate change is embodied by Al Gore. Giving the issue any credence means giving Al credence and they refuse to do it.

It’s like accepting evolution meaning accepting Darwin or Richard Dawkins or whoever. These imbeciles can’t separate the person championing a cause from the science behind it.

Intellectual laziness at its best. It’s like going after a person who suggests that climate change need be addressed by accusing them of “hypocrisy” for not living in a cave. Ironically it’s practiced by those whose thinking isn’t much past caveman level, namely “You on computer, computer need power, power provided by coal, you hypocrite!”