
Amazon Deal of the Day: Big Markdowns in Musical Instruments and Equipment

Kragar3/05/2013 11:33:47 am PST

Poor Crackers Over At Stormfront Reduced To Lowly Pledge Drive/Mommyblogging In Effort To Keep Hate Alive

It’s hard out there these days for America’s once proud population of deranged racists. They made the mistake of getting their hopes up that the nice Mormon fellow might finally boot the “boy” out of the White House, only to be miserably crushed by the combined forces of New Black Panther Party and Nate Silver with his gay jewish wizardry. Now this once proud group of lunatics is reduced to watching traditional homesteads of white intransigence like the city of Memphis desecrate the memorials of great Klansman like Nathan Bedford Forrest, or professional Wrestling premiere their new Tea Party villain character.

To make matters worse it now looks like the once formidable clearinghouse of assholes known as is suffering from a cash crunch. Apparently the vanguard of White Nationalism and Aryan Supremacy is being laid to waste by the tyrannical Jewish Conspiracy of decreased server capacity. (WARNING: unless otherwise specified all subsequent links are to a fucking White Power website, so click wisely.) Here is Stormfront founder Don Black channeling NPR in asking for help:

Thanks to you, we are beginning badly needed server upgrades, which will make our site faster and more resistant to the daily denial of service attacks from anti-Whites. We’ve had the same servers for well over 2-1/2 years, even reducing server capacity in February 2011 to cut costs…..

As most of you know, I hate begging for money. But, unlike other large websites and radio programs, we have no paid advertising. Nor do we get government or corporate grants. And we don’t have a tax exempt endowment fund with over $200 million, like the anti-White Southern Poverty Law Center (aka the “Poverty Palace”). We have no financial reserves, and we frequently fall short of our modest monthly fundraising goal…..

Many of our visitors are regulars, many are just curious or sometimes even hostile, but many others are new people seriously looking for answers. We hope to keep access open to guests….

But with our success come bills. Big, scary bills which must be paid every month. I’ve reduced our monthly server costs to $2542 (invoice here). This is the minimum configuration necessary to keep this very busy board running and provide some protection against denial of service attacks, but we will need to upgrade in the future, particularly if we provide Youtube-like video hosting……

Mind you that Stormfront’s interface looks like it hasn’t been updated since Geocities was a relevant platform, now they want to fast forward into 2005 and premiere a “Whites Only” Youtube (ostensibly to share kitty videos that ONLY feature kitlers).

There are many other variable expenses, including new and upgraded hardware and software, monthly Internet bandwidth charges, expanding Stormfront radio, along with other multimedia projects, publishing our printed newspaper and, when necessary, legal bills. Unlike the two “non-profit” organizations I mentioned above, whose staff get six figure salaries, nobody here gets paid. Contributions are used only for expenses. This is a labor of love….

An unapologetically vicious hate site run by a former Klansman uses the phrase “labor of love” to describe what they do.