
Arizona Wingnuts Chicken Out on Anti-Gay "Right to Refuse Service" Bill Due to Backlash

GunstarGreen2/24/2014 1:37:06 pm PST

Note the way in which they framed this. They didn’t say it was a bad bill. They said it was a bill that was “mischaractized” in a way that was “doing immeasurable harm to the state”.

It’s the state congressional version of the classic “I’m sorry you misinterpreted what I said” non-apology. They’re not asking for a veto because, after careful reconsideration, they realized it was a bad vote in the first place. They’re asking for a veto because, in their minds, the (supposedly-unwarranted) backlash is worse for the state than letting teh gayz be served the same as everyone else.

They’re still scumbags. They’re just scumbags that realize when the writing is on the wall.