
Tonight's Moving Short Animated Film: "Boles"

Yeah Sure WhatEVs1/28/2017 11:52:57 pm PST

re: #133 Shiplord Kirel

I’ll admit he’s a pretty thin reed but institutionally the military will not support a rogue executive, since such a regime is a threat to its institutional existence. This is especially so with Trump-Bannon since the latter are closely affiliated with foreign powers who would like nothing better than to see US military power destroyed completely. Pro-Trump sentiment within the military would manifest itself in individual desertions to the Trump forces, possibly a lot of them. Mercenary kingpin and Trump friend Erik Prince actually has some experience with this since he made a concerted effort to poach active military personnel for his Blackwater gang.

I’d be curious how many active military members know that. How many follow politics like we do?