
President's Day Open

Afrocity2/16/2009 12:02:22 pm PST

re: #82 Walter L. Newton

How do you get those tickets? I look at those townhall meetings and for once I would love to see someone there that does not appear to be an Obamabot. But after what the MSM did to Joe the Plumber, I bet people are scared to death to ask or do anything that would discredit THE ONE.

Actually my being AA has afforded me the luxury of sitting in Obot discussions w/o being detected. they always assume that I am packing Kool Aid.I like to play dumb but say something that is so stupid they look at me for a second. During the election I was talking to two Obots and they were upset about Palin bringing up Ayers. I said:

“Like what is Sarah Plain’s like problem?Ayers only bombed like a few buildings and like killed some people. Didn’t his girlfriend like die or something? When she was like making a bomb?He like got off on a technicality, so isn’t it like okay?Who is Sirhan Sirhan anyway? So what if Ayers like dedicated a book to him. It is not like Caroline Kennedy doesn’t like know that so it makes it like okay because she loves Obama too”