
Obama Administration Pulls Out of Durban II

Cato the Elder2/27/2009 11:33:45 am PST

re: #116 Occasional Reader

I agree, with a caveat; as others here have pointed out, Obama is unusually prone (even by politician standards) to saying whatever the audience that happens to be standing in front of him at the moment wants to hear.

Unusually so? You have too much respect for other politicians.

And are you saying we won’t pull out after all? Announcing it in advance seems pretty clear.

Were he just looking to make reassuring noises, he’d say something like “I have grave concerns about this and the US will not take part until those concerns are addressed.”

But no - we’re pulling out first. If magic fairy dust settles on the Durban II dictators and they reverse their plans, I guess we might reconsider. But clearly Obama doesn’t see that happening.