
Terrorist vs. Terrorist in Gaza

zombie8/15/2009 11:19:39 am PDT

I wake up this morning and check my email to find several dozen messages, all with the same subject line. Open them up and they’re all the same email, but mailed from Muslim countries all over the world from different senders — apparently some kind of coordinated intimidation campaign whereby each was supplied with the English-language text to copy and paste and send to me. They all read as follows:


Subject: you all are bastard
From: Tahir Taous [/Aftab Ahmed/etc.]

You are bloody bastards and you do these shameless activities and says that this is `freedom this is not freedom of expression this is vulgarity and you all vulgarian are dogs,mother shameless people sell your sisters,daughters,mothers,wives and every body fuck them you also fuck them and call it freedom .
What do you think this vulgarism can stop all Muslims to Love our Beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon we all Muslims used to love our Beloved Prophet ,we love Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him and Insha Allah we will love Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him .
You are interested in freedom of expression and soon we you will get the reply as before we Muslims did.We will tell you what is freedom of expression.

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