
Meet Robert Stacy McCain, Neo-Confederate Wacko Extraordinaire

jaunte10/19/2009 6:45:40 pm PDT

Some expert mockery here, from the League of Ordinary Gentlemen:

Worried that conservatives will really make a roaring comeback? Read Robert Stacy McCain, and be assuaged.

RSM: “The upper echelons of American journalism have become the exclusive monopoly of former teacher’s pets, who as children were never sent to the principal’s office, who as teenagers were never suspended for showing up drunk for chemistry class, who as college students never woke up at 6:30 a.m. on the porch of the ATO house, who never played in a rock band or sold a pound of weed or dove from a 50-foot cliff into an abandoned rock quarry.”

But not McCain! No! McCain chews diamonds and shoots pure lightning out of his urethra! McCain plays hockey against gorillas and once arm wrestled the Pope. I once saw McCain chug a keg of Milwaukee’s Best and then fill out a 1040 form. (Not even the EZ version!) McCain slings more dope in a morning than B.I.G. did his whole goddamn life, and somehow, for McCain, that’s, like, the most conservative shit ever. McCain’s American flag has a smaller American flag that flies from it, and he has a harem of Klingon women to give him sexual favors. McCain snorts Clorox and when he gets pulled over, he karate slaps the cop and gives him the ticket.