
Pat Buchanan Defends Sarah Palin's Birther Pandering

iceweasel12/04/2009 9:06:50 pm PST

re: #124 Sharmuta

This is the guy who smeared Mr Sparkman as a pedophile. Why should we be surprised he’d do this to anyone else if he could do it to the dead?

Riehl has also smeared others with homophobic slurs, and defended himself by pointing to his own brother. His own dead, gay brother who he hadn’t seen in years, but invoked as evidence that he didn’t hate gay people and couldn’t mean anything by it when he used homophobic terms about bloggers he didn’t like:
safe link

That was an older brother of mine, John. He’s dead and, yes, he was Gay. You want to know how he died? He died alone, probably of aids for all I know and probably in a San Francisco flop house living on the government’s dime. I say probably because it was the last address I ever had for him from letters exchanged, not having seen the boy/man since I was about 15.

And you know why he died alone? Not because he was Gay. He died that way because of small minded assholes who think that being Gay in America is a crime. And who is perpetuating that stereotype and trying to benefit from it, today, Cole? Me? Because I can mock someone whether they are straight or gay, because the orientation has no bearing on how I treat someone, one way or the other?


And don’t you dare try to turn this into another prime example of intolerance on the Right, when clearly it is not.

It is but another new low low in the all time record book of disgusting liberal tactics which have nothing more noble as their goal than a power grab. And your unmoral defense of it is a corollary to its vulgar and ugly intent.

This is not the Right’s shame, no matter how you’ll try to make it so. It is the Left’s disgrace. I called you a c***S*** because of the weak-kneed lip service you are providing to your most repugnant cronies on the Left. Whether or not you derive some sexual gratification from giving them that service, I couldn’t care less.

all I’m saying is— ISSUES.