
Weblog Awards Canceled Due to Something or Other

DaddyG1/05/2010 1:31:26 pm PST

re: #124 recusancy

Just mentioning the fact that there ARE people who live “alternative” lifestyles is indoctrination? I didn’t know that reading one book about a kid with two daddy’s was an alternative-lifestyle-indoctrinating curriculum.

It is as much indoctrination as the passing references to Christ in the McGuffy Readers. That is one of the reasons why those were phased out of schools.

I’m not arguing against portrayals of all kinds in curricula but a book and curricula segment devoted to alternative family arrangements is indoctrination just as much as a segment on two parent heterosexual families would be indoctrination.

Don’t replace one flavor of indoctrination with another flavor and tell me its better. Leave the values education at home and teach basic government (including representative democracy) and sciences (including evolution) in the schools.

I think the article linked above where you have a creationist proof texting the curricula is disgusting and has no place in the education system. That doesn’t mean the left is immune to wanting to control the dialogue. When it comes to teaching youngsters some topics are best left to local teachers and parents not some policy wonk at the State or Federal level.