
Virginia Governor McDonnell and the Neo-Confederates

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/07/2010 10:58:34 am PDT

re: #112

Yes, but the Civil War battlefields are here; the WWII battlefields are not, and that plays into it, I think.

There are folks who for some reason I cannot personally fathom enjoy dressing up in the costumes and going out and camping in the way soldiers did then, etc etc etc.

Again I don’t personally get it. Neither do I understand the folks who dress up in medieval costumes and go to the medieval sorts of fairs which are held periodically, but there are plenty of folks who do it.

Well the Civil war stuff is a totally different breed then the Rennfest types.

The Rennfest, with the exception of a few lost souls are people who ike to pretend they are people from high fantasy for a day and mostly drink, shop and hang out as a social thing.

The Civil war re-enactor types have much more of a lifestyle to it.

Also, at the Rennfest their are girls, in bodices with flowy skirts. It is important to not discount the heaving bosoms aspectr ;)