
Comedy Central Backs Down After Islamic Group's Threats Over 'South Park'

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines4/22/2010 3:08:24 pm PDT

re: #116 HappyWarrior

Chomsky is a liberal icon? Not nitpicking you but the writer of the piece. Honestly, I’ve never had much use for Chomsky. I hated that he minimized the evils of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and there’s something honestly annoying about a man who rants about the evils of capitalism yet profits immensely from it through is books.

Chomsky is more of a professional contrarian than a liberal in any coherent sense, the academic counterpart of uber-moonbat Ramsey Clark.
The only condition for their support is that one is fighting America, or at least actively hating it. If I were malicious (which I am at times), I might suggest that this could tell us something about the tea parties and their potential future.